The meaning of certain paintings in Feng Shui, and suitable areas for artworks

There are symbols that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, have a positive effect on the circulation of energies in a home or office, causing wealth and good luck in life. Let’s list the most famous symbols. The image in the pictures has a beneficial effect on the indoor climate.

  • Beautiful flowers

If you are looking for a couple or want to maintain a trusting relationship in the family, hang pictures, as recommended by Feng Shui, in the bedroom or the southwestern part of the house. Art objects with flowers depicted on them are the following symbols: chrysanthemum – good luck and success in life; bamboo – longevity and strength, security; magnolia – the meaning lies in marital happiness, tenderness, the beauty of a woman; poppies and all flower fields – increases the chance of having a child, a sign of male power; orchid – great offspring, family happiness; lilac – freshness and renewal.

Peony – on the one hand, means love and wealth. The richer its colour, the more positive energy emanates from it. A blooming peony has magical powers: placed in a vase in the living room or depicted in a picture. It can attract a betrothed to an unmarried girl. But be careful – the peony has a dual meaning in the Feng Shui system. You should not place it in the bedroom – it can influence the decision of one spouse to start a relationship with a new partner.

Sakura is beneficial if we need active energy for a quick recovery after a debilitating illness, since the cherry blossom blooms in any weather and symbolizes the beauty of life. But sakura also has an ambiguous meaning. In Japan, this flower is masculine and is the emblem of the samurai. According to Feng Shui, a picture of sakura with flowers in the bedroom can lead to quarrels and distrust.

Paintings with flowers are beneficial for the energy of the home or office. According to Feng Shui, only your intuition should judge paintings that are difficult to understand. If you liked the image, then this picture will positively influence your atmosphere.

  • Animals as a symbol

According to Feng Shui, drawings of many animals are favourable for humans. Among them are a stork, a carp, a turtle, an eagle, also animals of the eastern horoscope and several mystical ones. The most famous of them are:

• dragon – attracts good luck in business. This is the most important of the symbols. Often, artists depict dragon with a magical pearl that attracts material wealth and speeds up spiritual development. Without it, the dragon becomes evil. You won’t have to wait for prosperity;

• three-legged toad – increases wealth, good luck in money matters. They place its image or figurine at the front door so that the toad is heading into the house;

• elephant – can attract good luck in the house. We recommend it to place the picture on the wall near the window or place the figurine in such a way that the elephant stretches its trunk toward a lucky star;

• lion – a symbol of energy, valour and protection of the house and other places from unwanted guests. We can hang a picture of a lion in the hallway or hallway; The picture depicting Cleopatra with a lion speaks of the greatness and intelligence of the Egyptian queen. If artists do not depict the lion in a rage, then we can hang a picture in the hall.

• a horse is an attribute of the strength of power and personal courage. The picture is best placed in a business area or office with an expensive classic interior;

• leopard – immense courage, fearlessness. A symbol of cruelty and aggressiveness. Because of the spots resembling eyes, he is called the Vigilant Guardian. We do not recommend it to place it in the house, but in the studio with martial arts classes, it will be quite appropriate;

• horse – increases strength and endurance. A symbol of favourable changes for adults, children promise rapid development. Galloping horses in the picture gives the owners additional opportunities for future glory or outstanding achievements. We recommend it to place it in the glory zone, in the interior of the large hall, opposite the sofa. In the nursery - you can put small pictures of horses and small foals;

• wolf – a sign of fidelity, devotion, one of the best amulets for the family. It is good to hang in the bedroom above the bed.

• turtle is a symbol of wisdom in Feng Shui. It signifies longevity, health and wisdom. In ancient China, a huge water turtle floating through eternity was a symbol of the universe. Turtle is one of the four celestial animals, along with the dragon, phoenix, and tiger.

• black tortoise brings good luck and promotes promotion. They place a figurine or a picture depicting a turtle in the northern part of the house or office, in the career zone. There should be only one drawing or talisman. A pyramid of three turtles standing on top of each other brings prosperity to three generations of the family and is inherited. It should stand in the eastern part of the apartment.

  • Birds as a symbol

Birds are a symbol of freedom, we consider them as messengers of Heaven. They have great internal energy, according to Feng Shui. When choosing a picture with a bird as a talisman, listen to your intuition and understanding of the bird’s energy.

• phoenix is a famous bird. We can instal it with a dragon as a sign of the well-being of the family. The energy of the dragon is Yin (feminine), and the phoenix is ​​Yang (masculine). The power of the phoenix’s energy is enormous. It easily survives, changes, is reborn, and reaches great heights. Its element is Fire, its location is south. We usually place Phoenix at the entrance to the house;

• white swan – fidelity, pure love and chastity. The talisman attracts love and is one of the best for the family. Paintings with swans effectively generate positive energy and spread it to the entire surrounding space;

• flamingos give the energy of heat and the sun. Place pictures with them in the area where a fire — we consider it the major element. We place the figurine in the south to achieve popularity. Pictures of pink birds will revive fading love feelings, and a panel with a flock of flamingos enhances care and strong relationships in the family;

• Do not separate mandarin ducks. They are a symbol of fidelity and mutual tenderness of spouses; place and resemble talismans as the natural colouring of birds.

• Feng Shui peacock – a symbol of prosperity and wealth, helps in a career and getting an increase in wages. Useful for business people in concluding lucrative contracts and finding reliable partners. However, some people believe that a peacock's feather indoors brings misfortune and loss of loved ones!

  • Ships and boats in pictures

A picture with a ship sailing on the waves in Feng Shui is a powerful symbol that increases well-being. But only if the picture shows the morning - the beginning of success or the day - you achieve the result and you can relax. If the picture shows clear weather, the sun is at its zenith, and a calm blue sea – everything is fine, there will be no failures and stresses, and we will overcome all difficulties. The sailboat should have sails inflated, and on its deck, there should be a lot of gold bars and treasure chests. It is better to place the picture Sailboat in the hallway so that the ship moves into the room and brings happiness, success, joy and security.

The boat of abundance in Feng Shui is a bowl of wealth, not a means of transportation. We should make it of expensive metals, make it wide and slightly tapering at the top. Fill the boat with valuable artifacts, precious or semi-precious stones. You can add personal jewelry made of gold. As a symbol of the sweet life, people placed two expensive chocolates on top. They put this bowl either in the zone of wealth, in the bedroom opposite the bed, or next to it so that when falling asleep, think about this unique talisman – then the result will come soon.

  • The sea in Feng Shui

The sea in the paintings of artists is always different, noisy and raging, filled with incredible energy in motion, or calm, peaceful. A sea painting, on which azure waves splash, the air is permeated with light, and somewhere above the wings of a white seagull glide, can be hung in the bedroom. And the stormy sea, throwing violent waves ashore, should be placed in the hallway so that before leaving the house, just a glance at this canvas gives acceleration and invigorates.

  • Feng Shui forest and trees

Each tree has its purpose. For example, the red rowan has powerful energy. It is a warrior tree that perfectly protects against any kind of energy dirt. The forest is friendly to people positively perceived the elements of water, so — place drawings with flowering plants in the southeast. This is a place of good luck and prosperity. In the kitchen, images of trees will be very appropriate, because according to Feng Shui, shades of green should prevail here.

  • Fish as a symbol

In Chinese, the word “fish” means abundance and happiness. Two carps are a symbol of harmony between a woman and a man, and nine give prosperity. An aquarium with live fish – one black and 8 gold ones – improves the material condition. Two orange aquarium pets are called “double fish”. They bring independence and emancipation, and make you highly value your own opinion.

  • Urbanism and Feng Shui

Cities are like huge megacities with developed systems of transport and ecology, and the relationship between all the major structures is difficult to regulate using the laws of Feng Shui. But some city divisions still take this system into account. The knowledge about natural landscapes, developed over the millennia by the peoples of the East, helps to arrange squares and parks, green urban areas, and choose flowers, trees and shrubs.

The Feng Shui system can regulate the projects of cities and small towns based on the observations of many generations of people. Images in the paintings of high-rise buildings, plants and factories are not always good in an apartment, but for public places, they are decoration and original decor. If the decorating style of living space is in a loft-style, then hang a large panel in the hall or living room. With the help of Feng Shui, you can correct the direction of energy movements and make them the most favourable for a person, for example, by choosing the right picture.

  • Mountains and landscapes for the bedroom

In the bedroom, only place paintings with images of quiet places that radiate peace and serenity should. Mountains, lying stones or a boulder are symbols of constancy. A drawing of a waterfall with its swiftness and sparkling splashes is better to hang in the hall or living room. A quiet river and a lake are indispensable companions of forests and mountains. Such paintings create an atmosphere of comfort and beauty. The bridges connecting the two banks are not suitable for a family bedroom. A picture depicting a divorced bridge is better not to hang in an apartment.


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What images attract wealth and good luck, in Feng Shui