Images in paintings that bring good luck and happiness, according to Feng Shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, there are symbols, the image of which in pictures brings good luck, happiness, wealth, success and love. Therefore, look for paintings and photographs that have the following symbols that can give you good luck, wealth, and happiness:

The image of bamboo in paintings — brings good luck and prosperity. We also associated fish Koi with happiness and prosperity. Therefore, these paintings can help increase wealth and abundance, especially in the money corner of your home. Buddha images (whether statues or paintings) bring good luck. However, there is a nuance — a picture or a figurine must be a gift. Positive events in paintings and photographs, such as beautiful landscapes or holidays, bring good energy to the entire home or office.

The meaning of the symbols depicted in the paintings and photographs will help you choose the right piece of art for your space:

BAMBOO - Health, longevity, flexibility. It is a conductor of favourable energy.

BULL - Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable.

BUTTERFLY - Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness.

BAT - Happiness. Five bats - “five blessings” - longevity, wealth, health, virtue, life to the end, predetermined by fate.

BEAR - A symbol of strength and courage.

BIRDS - A symbol of joy, beauty, and happiness.

BEE - Diligence, success in science, art, trade.

BOAT - A symbol of incoming good luck in business, security, and hope.

BASKET Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity.


CRANE - Good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity.

CROW - Marriage, fidelity.

COCK - A symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of adulthood. Fire protection.

DEER - Career.

DOVE - Meekness and purity. A pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity.

DOLPHIN - Dignity, hope, security.

DOG - Reliable protection.

DRAGON - The highest symbol of good luck and creative abilities; brings business success.

DROZD - New opportunities, joy, happiness.


DUCKS (pair) - Happiness in love.

EAGLE - A powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind.

ELEPHANT - Power, strength, insight.

IRIS - Life, not knowing old age.

FORTY - The symbol of a “happy meeting.”

FAN - A traditional symbol of protection. It protects not only the house but also the person himself from adversity.

GARNET - Bursting pomegranate - many offspring.

GIRAFFE - Wealth.

GUS - (couple) Faith and fidelity in marriage.

GRAPES - Abundance, fun.

GARNET - Bursting pomegranate - many offspring.

GIRAFFE - Wealth.

GUS - (couple) Faith and fidelity in marriage.

GRAPES - Abundance, fun.

HARE - Sensitivity, abundance, longevity.

HUMMINGBIRD - A symbol of the joy of life.

HORSE - A sign of victory, courage, power. Symbolizes speed, perseverance gives strength and endurance, and children - rapid development.

HURMA – Joy.

KARP - Good luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being. Two carps are a symbol of the complete harmony of relations between a man and a woman.

LEO - Energy and valour. Protector of the home and public places.

LEOPARD – Courage.

LOTUS - Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility.

LANDSCAPE - A symbol of good luck and opportunities.

MAGNOLIA, ORCHID - Love, sophistication.

MONKEY - Originality of thinking, cunning, ingenuity.

MOUNTAIN - Support, protection and help.

QUINCE - fertility and happy marriage.

STORK - Longevity, happy, peaceable old age.

TOAD - Strength, a fortress.

TURTLE - Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes the steady movement forward.

STARS - Happiness and eternity.

KINGFISHER - Elegance, nobility, marital fidelity.

SNAKE - Movement and renewal. It represents wisdom and deep knowledge.

PEACH - A symbol of longevity.

PION - Ardent passion, unquenchable love, glory, dignity.

PARROT - A symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, and excellent memory.

RAT - Prosperity, prosperity, well-being.

PEACOCK - Beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards.

PALMA - Victory.

PISCES - A guarantee of success in financial affairs and successful development.

PINE - A symbol of long life, loyalty, and devotion.

SAKURA - Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal.

SOVA - erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments.

SUN - A sign of providence, abundance, truth.

SWALLOWS - Success and abundance.

SWAN - Elegance, beauty, purity, fidelity.

TIGER - Protector of evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power.

VASE - Tranquility; a vase filled with something is a symbol of attracting wealth.

WATER - Health, well-being.

WATERFALL - Attracting good luck in the house.

WOOD - Longevity.

ZEBRA - Peace of mind in any situation.

Now let’s reveal the secret of choosing paintings to bring prosperity to the home. Do you know which paintings should be in your home to attract money and success, according to the advice of the Feng Shui teachings, and which, on the contrary, you need to avoid? Most people consider paintings in the house only as an element of decor. However, according to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, this interior detail also has a special power. The atmosphere in the house or office depends on it, as well as the success and well-being in the life of the inhabitants of the interior.

Remember what symbols are useful to hang on the wall of your house:

• Pictures from stones, especially from amber or depicting them. Decor elements on the frame are also useful. People endow such an item with healing energy. It is best to place it in the center of the house, in the main area – the living room or dining room, above the dining table if it is a chandelier.

• Panel with Chinese symbols embroidered in gold. By itself, it carries positive energy, but before buying, it is important to find out how a particular symbol is useful. Some symbols handle money, health, love, etc. However, be careful with paintings with unknown symbols – it is better to avoid paintings in the interior of your home, especially if you do not know the meaning of what exactly in the picture. For example, it can be oriental hieroglyphs, runes, and Celtic symbols. Therefore, before hanging such an image, make sure that you know what it depicts.

• Art objects depicting floral arrangements and flowers, for example, people believe chrysanthemums to bring wealth and good luck.

• Ships and boats in the paintings, images of waterfalls, sea, ocean, foam.

Some pictures and photographs bring negative energy — so, avoid them in the house, for example:

• Aggressive, and associated with death. For example, images of withering flowers, skulls, weapons, grinning animals, devastation and chaos, and monsters.

• Photographs or portraits of dead people (artists, singers, actors, scientists, relatives). Images of great people can hang in the office and study, but in the bedroom or room where a person relaxes or spends most of his time, it is better not to hang them.

• In bedrooms, dramatic paintings and images of singles (people, animals, insects, etc.) are best avoided. Instead, paired images work well.

• Painting-like collections of dried insects under glass–some people use this decor. Meanwhile, Eastern sages recommend abandoning this. Like the image of the dead, such an object carries negative, destructive energy. It is especially dangerous to store such a frame in the bedroom, since this is the place where a person is most vulnerable and relaxed.

When choosing a painting, remember a few simple rules and recommendations that will significantly improve the energy of the room:

• its owner should like the picture first. Whatever it means, according to Feng Shui, whatever we associate it with other people, the main thing is that the owner of the house, looking at a picture, gets pleasure and positive emotions.

• If the picture is a gift, then the gift must be disinterested and sincere. If the donor at heart does not love the owner of the house or wanted to grease up with him, then the picture will radiate negative energy. Paintings that were torn from the heart, reluctantly donated, have similar power.

• Conditions for purchasing a painting. If the purchase of a painting was pleasant and joyful, made in a good period of life, then it would enable to bring positive energy. And vice versa, if people purchase the painting after a scandal, in a quarrel, or when a person is in a painful state, then the object becomes negatively charged.


How to attract money, prosperity, happiness, luck and love in Feng Shui