Paintings that bring money and good luck

Have you ever asked yourself how to bring wealth, happiness, love, harmony and good luck into your life with the help of pictures in the space of your life? At first glance, it may seem that paintings cannot influence the events of the outside world. But if you understand, they can significantly determine the direction of your life. Ask how? Let’s figure it out.

It’s no secret that behind physical phenomena are energy or vibration. Energy is primary, matter is secondary. At first, any event appears on the subtle plane, and only then on the physical. Esoterics argue that in order to influence reality, you must first learn to take control of your thoughts, habits, and actions. Such a person can already influence other people – the surrounding people respect and listen to him more. Well, finally, aerobatics is to create events. Based on this, there is something physically intangible, but capable of influencing physical reality. Scientists are increasingly talking about such a substance as vibration.

And what if we create the right vibration in our house so that it constantly influences our thoughts so that over time they attract positive events, accumulate energy, attract positive events into our lives and fulfill desires like a “Wish Map” hung on the wall! But if the “Map of Desires” is not suitable for everyone, then a beautiful picture hanging on the wall is suitable for anyone. This is where the secret lies–how to use the power of an artistic work of art to fulfill your desires!

Happiness, wealth, luck, love, luck – this is what you always want and as much as possible! After all, everyone wants it, you say! These are the desires we will fulfill! How do you ask? It is very simple – scientists proved that the image of certain things creates very specific energies – they are invisible, but devices read them, psychics see and animals intuitively feel. Some things depicted in the paintings create negative vibrations that lead to illness, loss, impoverishment, litter, etc. For example, many people believe that the image of withered flowers negatively affects the atmosphere in space, creating vibrations of decline.

Therefore, the picture is not just an element of decor! This is a very specific object capable of accumulating energies and charging space with a special image, inevitably attracting the events into your life that can gradually cause prosperity, joy in the house, take off in a career, creating health in the house, in the soul, and maintaining it in the body. What matters is in the picture – flowers, waves, waterfall, surf, birds of paradise accumulate the energies of wealth and good luck; According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, paired items of animals strengthen your relationship with a partner or increase the chances of meeting your love. In addition, it is important not only what artist depicted in the picture but also how the artist created a picture – what energy the artist put into it!

Thus, artists intuitively connect with subtle energy substances and they can create not only atmosphere and energy but also creating your physical reality! In our next publications we will return to this topic, so subscribe to our channel in order to receive the latest information from the artist and scientific experts – like and subscribe to our channel for useful tips, here you will learn everything that is useful about the value of paintings in your space and you will receive useful gifts and bonuses.


18 best ideas for harmonizing space with the help of paintings according to Feng Shui


18 best ideas for harmonizing space with the help of paintings, according to Feng Shui