18 best ideas for harmonizing space with the help of paintings according to Feng Shui

Normalize with the help of pictures the energy in your home! By choosing the right image, you can balance the energy so that it does not stop or stagnate anywhere. The house is the second body of a person where harmony should reign. And the paintings you choose for your home or office have a big impact on the ambiance of the room—they affect what kind of energy will prevail. Be especially careful when choosing paintings for the bedroom and kitchen. We should charge the places where we sleep and eat with only positive energy. Remember the basic rules for choosing paintings so that the images in the house are useful in life and improve well-being.

1). Do not split the entire images.

A triptych and a diptych is great, but it should be three images, that over, united by one theme. It is not desirable to break a single picture into pieces. Imagine a beautiful image of a cherry blossom branch – if it cut into three parts, then we will lose the harmony and this image will no longer be a good image with positive energy.

2). Carefully select the pictures that hang at the head of the bed. In a dream, we are vulnerable, so symbols and images easily penetrate our aura, and can bring either benefit or harm.

Avoid breaking the wallpaper lines above the headboard. The best image of a pair of flowers in the foreground to harmonize personal relationships with your partner.

3). Be careful with single symbol paintings, especially in rooms like bedrooms.

Single symbols are the predominance of only one energy in the picture: either only yin energy or only yang. Yin energies are black, feminine, inner, earthy, and heavy. Yang energy is white, masculine, outer, heavenly, and light. Avoid pictures with yang energy, such as images of roads, bridges on which large flows of cars move, and big cities’ pictures bring loneliness. Also, be careful with the image of a lonely semi-dry tree on a cliff – this is yin.

4). Use growth pictures to harmonize your personal relationship with your partner.

To harmonize personal happiness, pictures that depict growth will help you. Such paintings bring regenerating power. For example, it can be juicy and sunny spring scenes: reviving nature, flying birds, blooming plants. Such kind of pictures give an influx of strength, a charge of positive emotions. They have rich, fresh colours. Conversely, avoid grey and dreary images of dull autumn leaf litter.

Hanging a lot of paintings in a row on the wall, when some are above and others below, try to make the line of their location tend upwards – to the upper right corner.

5). Selection of paintings for rooms with windows overlooking the intersection.

If the windows of your room overlook a crossroads or you have corner apartments, neutralize the influence of the turbulent energy of the crossroads with the help of a painting depicting a beautiful waterfall. The image of a waterfall will wash away negative energy, but be careful with this decision if this is a bedroom. For corner rooms, including if it is a bedroom, images of flowers, for example, roses, peonies, lotus, which are traditionally considered symbols of a couple, health, balance, balance, will be suitable. This is especially true for the lotus.

6). Sometimes digital copies are better than originals.

You need to be careful with the originals – the author’s paintings, because we don’t know what kind of energy the artist had when he painted the picture. Therefore, it is better to hang them in large spaces, halls, corridors. In small rooms, it is better to hang copies of paintings, so digital copies are ideal, the file of which is easily downloadable and printed on any material using any frame to suit your interior.

7). Choose positive and light paintings without the artist’s unresolved issues.

Printouts and digital files of paintings are now available at affordable prices and can easily balance the space. In paintings, it is better to avoid the heavy thoughts and unresolved problems of the artist.

8). It is important to choose the right place for the picture.

Be careful with modern contemporary art, incomprehensible images and experiments with shapes and colours – they often carry a destructive power. Such pictures that are difficult to understand and perceive are best placed, for example, in an office or corridor.

9). Do not hang photographs of dead people in your home.

Try not to take up too much space among the living with photographs and images of people who have gone to another world, since photographs and images of the dead do not carry negative energy.

10). Images to attract money.

According to Feng Shui, there are five energies: water, wood, fire, earth, metal. Everything related to money belongs to the wood element. Therefore, trees and plants are very favourable for your home or office. By the way, they are good not only at images but also in life form. Also, take care of the symbols of a large influx of energy. These include images of waterfalls, paintings of other water elements, as well as paintings of fish. It is best to place water paintings in the eastern part of the space.

11). Front door zone for amulets and home protection.

From time immemorial, people have sought to protect their space from negativity and the evil eye, depending on traditions. Often above the entrance to the house, you can see a horseshoe or any other talisman for happiness and security. For some people, a picture can serve as a talisman.

12). Picture frames and their colour are important

Loose or cracked frames create negative energy in the house. You need to get rid of this urgently. The colour of the frames should be harmonious and not enter dissonance, straining the eyes and causing discomfort. Consider the colour scheme of the frames, their material and their relationship to space and to each other. If the picture falls, this is a bad sign. Get rid of negativity and prevent an unpleasant event! To do this, after the fall of the picture, change the frame.

13). Mirrors are safety rules.

Be very careful about placing mirrors in the interior. Glass mosaics with the effect of a broken mirror are terrible in terms of Feng Shui. Because the various are uneven. Sharp and fractional mirror pieces create sharp lines, breaks and cracks. This will encourage quarrels and separation from loved ones. Watches with mirror elements can cause time problems for the owner of such watches.
In the hallway, you can not hang a mirror directly opposite the front door. This is a taboo! It is impossible for even a small piece of the door to be reflected in the mirror. Then all the positive energy leaves the house and there will be no money in the house.

Remember the rules for placing mirrors in the bedroom — it’s not safe for sleeping person to reflect in the mirror when sleeping, even partially. Not to mention the location of the mirrors on the ceiling near the bed.

14). Different rooms for various pictures!
If you don’t know if you can hang a picture, always remember that what is good in the hallway is not suitable in the bedroom! Therefore, carefully choose a place for images in the house in such intimate areas and rooms where we are most vulnerable, such as in the kitchen and especially in the bedroom – where we eat or sleep.

15). The primary rule is that you should like the picture!

Remember, the key criterion is your flair. Above all, listen to your intuition and trust your feelings! If a picture does not suit you, never hang it in your space. And vice versa, never pass by if you like the picture and evoke positive emotions, a surge of strength. When painting a picture, the artist puts his talent, skill, positive energy into it, and it is always easy to determine – if the picture attracts you, then the artist wrote it with love and has a lively, charitable and positive energy. And a genuine artist, if the picture is successful, always treats his picture as a beloved child with love. That is why we can spend hours looking at the picture as if spellbound and admiring it, because the artist charged it with the energy of love when they was painting it.


What images attract wealth and good luck, in Feng Shui


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